Classical Guitar Review Blog


Asia International Guitar Festival and Competition 2016 Concerts and Artists: June 9, 2016 17.00 Concert: Worrapat Yansupap  20.00 “Cuba Music Night”: Jorge Luis Zamora June 10, 2016 09.30 Masterclass: Eduardo Fernández 14.00 Special concert: Entry free! Pongpat Pongpradit and friends 16.00 Afternoon Concert: Jorgos Panetsos & Hans-Werner Huppertz  20.00...


Tariq Harb: Bach, Fugue (BWV 1001)

Here’s Tariq Harb (Concordia University, Montréal) playing his own arrangement of Johann Sebastian Bach’s fugue from the first violin sonata, with excellent production from guitarist and producer Drew Henderson. Tariq has just recently released...


Adelaide International Guitar Festival

Dates: August 11–14, 2016 Artists: In addition to the International Competition (for more info, go here), the Guitar Festival Symphony Gala at this year’s Adelaide Festival will include the following two performances with the Adelaide Symphony...


Miami International GuitART Festival and Competition

Dates: February 24–28 Concerts: Mesut Özgen and Celso Cano: Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 7:30pm WPAC Concert Hall Benjamin Verdery: Friday, February 26, 2016, 7:30pm MBUS Main Gallery Stephen Aron: Thursday, February 25, 2016, 7:30pm WPAC Concert Hall Robert Trent: Saturday, February 27, 2016, 4:00pm WPAC Concert Hall...